Oxnard Disaster Preparedness Survey

If a major earthquake or disaster happened tomorrow, what would you do?
Your survey feedback will help the City to improve our disaster preparedness program to better meet the needs of our Oxnard community.
1.Click here to see damage from the Northridge earthquake. If this happened in Oxnard tomorrow, what are the first three things you’d do?

Please list them below.
2.How would you get information and updates?
(Please check all that apply)
3.Who do you trust to help you in a disaster? Check all that apply.
4.Where would you stay if you lost your home?
5.Do you experience any of the following in your daily life (check all that apply):
6.Would you be interested in participating in any of the following trainings?
7.What is your zip code?
8.What is your age range?
9.How many people live in your home?
10.OPTIONAL: Please add your email address if you would like to receive future updates regarding disaster preparedness programs.