2) The Church rejects a popular end-time teaching known as the “Rapture” (from Latin raptus "a carrying off, abduction, snatching away”) where Jesus comes back secretly before His final coming and invisibly snatches true believers and innocent children up into heaven, so they can avoid the final trial.
The answer is: A. True
Since ancient times, Catholics have professed their faith in the Nicene Creed: “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.” However, the Nicene Creed “says absolutely nothing about an extra, ‘third’ coming to snatch believers from the world before the final tribulation.” This “novel, eccentric teaching” about a secret third coming evolved in the 19th century, after similar notions cropped up occasionally in colonial America during the previous century. From 1827 to 1874, two Protestant leaders (Edward Irving and John Nelson Darby) began preaching the secret rapture teaching. The Left Behind series of stories and movies, which became popular in the 1990s, is but another version of this “unbiblical idea.” All of these “rapture theorists” have taken Scriptural passages out of context to justify their preconceived theory. (Thigpen. The Rapture Trap, Ch 6-7)