Oil City Main Street Program 2022 Public Art Community Input Survey |
The Oil City Main Street Program (OCMS), through a cooperative agreement between the City of Oil City and the Oil Region Alliance, has been working to revitalize downtown Oil City since September 2011. OCMS has been accredited by the National Main Street Center each year since 2012 and was designated a Keystone Main Street in 2019. Among the many initiatives within its 5-Year Revitalization Strategy are several arts-based initiatives, including the facilitation of the ARTS Oil City artist relocation initiative and National Transit Artist Studios, the implementation of the Center Street Bridge Illumination Project, and the launch of a Downtown Murals program which has resulted in nine mural projects since 2014. The OCMS Public Art Committee is currently building upon its mural initiative to bring additional forms of public art to Oil City and is seeking the input of the community to help develop a thoughtful plan for future public art installations. This survey will be open until August 31, 2022 and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your input is valuable: we appreciate your feedback!