The Australian Services Union is a member led organisation that will be representing Oceania workers during negotiations for your next Enterprise Agreement.

An Enterprise Agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the minimum terms and conditions of your employment at Oceania and includes important provisions like pay increases, allowances, and rostering protections.


1. The existing Agreement used as the basis for the new Agreement; and

2. The Agreement to be read wholly in conjunction with the Airline Operations – Ground Staff Award, 2020; and

3. Terms of the Agreement to cover all employees, operate for a period of three years with renegotiation of Agreement six months prior to nominal expiry date and our Union to be bound by the Agreement; and

4. Fair Pay providing a decent living standard where:
a. Wages will be no less than the Airline Operations – Ground Staff Award, 2020 at level 2 for Clerical Administration and support workers; and
b. An annual pay rise percentage of 6% each year for all employees for the life of the agreement, and
c. Removal of Junior Rates of Pay, to acknowledge the knowledge and skill of all workers; and
d. Pay increment increases for each year of service to acknowledge employee commitment and expertise within the company; and
e. Allowances are increased by the pay rise percentage; and over the life of the agreement will not be less than the Allowances prescribed by the Airline Operations – Ground Staff Award, 2020; and

5. Annual leave, 5 weeks of paid annual leave for all employees; and

6. Oceania staff meetings are paid at the appropriate rate for the day and time the meeting is held.

7. First aid Allowance paid to all staff who hold a certificate with first aid certificate training renewal undertaken in paid time and renewal training course paid for by Oceania; and

8. Grievance and Dispute Settlement Process on all employment matters ensuring transparency and the right of the employee to be represented by the union; and

9.  Inclusion of a Consultation clause that meets the requirements of the Fair Work Commission to ensure compliance and provides for a Joint Consultative Committee (JCC); and

10. Inclusion of Introduction of Change clause that ensures consultation with employees and the union prior to the final decision being made; and

11. Inclusion of Employment Security provisions; and

12. Inclusion of Reclassification Rights that allow employees to request the reclassification of their position to a higher level and paid from the date the request is made; and

13. Inclusion of the Fair Work Model Clause - Flexible Work Arrangement; and

14. Inclusion of reproductive leave and parental leave clause, separate to any other form of leave; and

15. Inclusion of 20 days paid Domestic and Family Violence Leave, separate to any other form of leave; and

16. Inclusion of up to 5 days paid Natural Disaster Leave on each instance of Natural Disaster, separate to any other form of leave; and

17. Inclusion of paid Pandemic/Isolation Leave, separate to any other form of leave; and

18. Inclusion of a Mental Health and Wellbeing clause; and


19. Better rostering practices:

a. Ensuring all employees receive two consecutive days off each week; and

b. Indicative rosters to be published with at least 28 days’ notice; and

c. A minimum of seven days’ notice required for changes to the start and finishing times at the employer’s initiative, unless by mutual agreement with the employee; and

d. Double time to be payable for any shift changes with less than 48 hours’ notice.
20. Increase in Allowances to meet the cost of living:

a. Staff parking costs reimbursed for all employees from the commencement of employment; and

b. Increase to annual footwear allowance to $175 per year; and

c. Increase to motor vehicle allowance of .96 c per kilometre.

d. Staff travel offered to employees like that offered to Qantas and Jetstar employees; and

e.  If an employee is unable to take their unpaid meal break during the first 5 hours of their shift, to meet the needs of the business, the remainder of the shift to be paid at overtime rates.

21. Classifications

a. A clear and translatable wages schedule reflective of levels and hourly rates of pay; and

b. Where an employee is being trained to undertake a higher duties role, the employee must be paid the higher duties pay rate.

22. Inclusion of Workplace Rights including Respectful Behaviour; Delegates rights and paid Trade Union Training leave; and

23. Overtime paid after the maximum ordinary hours per day/fortnight ie. after 10 hours or after ordinary hours exceed 76 per fortnight; and

24. Ability for casuals/part timers to convert to part time/full time employment after 6 months of employment.

25. Commitment to professional development and career pathways for staff.
we seek your endorsement of the proposed log above by completing the following: 

Question Title

* 1. I am in favour of the above Log of Claims to be tabled in upcoming negotiations

Question Title

* 2. Please provide your name so that we can verify your Membership. Your endorsement will be kept internal and will not be shared with others.

Question Title

* 3. Thank you for participating in your Union. If there is any other comments you would like to make please do so in the box below