
This SurveyMonkey may be used for both Progress and Final Reports related to all OCCF grants under $5,000. All sections are required and failure to complete all sections will result in an incomplete report. In the fields that do not apply please place a "N/A" so OCCF is aware the field was deliberately skipped.

Please complete your report by the date outlined on your agreement to ensure that you have met the terms of the grant agreement and as not to jeopardize future funding opportunities. 

To obtain a word document template of this Report please email reports@oc-cf.org

Only completed reports in SurveyMonkey will be accepted. If you have any questions please contact: reports@oc-cf.org 

Thank you

Question Title

* 1. Report Type

Question Title

* 2. OCCF Grant Program Name

Question Title

* 3. Grant Number

Question Title

* 4. Grant Amount

Question Title

* 5. Organization Name

Question Title

* 6. Project Title

Question Title

* 7. Grant Period (Period Shown on Grant Agreement, eg. January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017)

Question Title

* 8. Primary Contact Information

Question Title

* 9. OCCF Funded Project Description Summary (750 characters max)

Question Title

* 10. What has been your greatest accomplishment? (750 characters max)

Question Title

* 11. Please describe specify how OCCF grant funds were used. (750 characters max)

Question Title

* 12. Please provide an example of a success story in working with an individual who was directly impacted by your program. (750 characters max)

Question Title

* 13. Were there any changes made from the original grant application and what are the reasons for those changes, including changes in date/timeline, budget for the project and services provided. (750 characters max)

Question Title

* 14. Unduplicated Number of People Served

Question Title

* 15. Measurable Outcome
Please provide detail on a specific Measurable Outcomes, including the type of service provided, the target population you served, and the number measured. Use the following guide for framing your responses:

Intended Outcome: Please specify the intended outcome
Examples: "increase access to musical education," or "decrease teen pregnancy"

Service Type or Equipment Purchased: Workshop, Training, Counseling Sessions, Case Management, etc and please indicate number or frequency of services provided, if available
Examples: "3 choral performances," "10 individual counseling sessions," "weekly job training sessions"

Target Population: Please specify age, gender, race/ethnicity, city, etc.
Example: "Hispanic/Latino female students from Santa Ana'

Number: Approximate number only