1. Our Awesome Planet in 2013 and beyond...

50% of survey complete.
Dear Our Awesome Planet Friends,

Anton here. First of all, thank you for all your awesome support for Our Awesome Planet (OAP) for the last 7.5 years. Thanks for all the survey feedback last year which greatly influenced my directions and plans for OAP.

After a year, I would like to get feedback on how OAP met your expectation.

I am excited for 2013 and beyond as we prepare for the 10th year anniversary of OAP. I would like to share with you some of my plans and get your honest feedback through this survey.

I read all the survey feedbacks and take them into consideration when I formulate my plans for OAP.

Live an Awesome Life,

Anton Diaz
Founder and Blogger

Question Title

* 1. Overall, How satisfied are you with www.OurAwesomePlanet.com Blog?

  I hate it! Could be improved Just OK Very Satisfied AWESOME!
How would you rate the articles?
How would you rate the writing?
How would you rate the photography?

Question Title

* 2. Here are my plans for 2013 and beyond, and let me know if you have any suggestions or inputs before we finalize them. What do you think about them?

  No Please, Don't do it. Please rethink your strategy... Go Ahead Nice Idea. I will support it Awesome!
Launch Food Markets and Food Truck Markets in the Metro.
Publish Books about Food and Travel Guide in the Philippines.
Launch Our Awesome Planet Blog Guide Series for other countries.
Start Antondiaz.com Blog on Raising Internet Savvy Boys
Promote the Advocacy on Filipino Food and Filipino Fiestas online.

Question Title

* 3. What is the one thing that made Our Awesome Planet Blog awesome for you?

Question Title

* 4. If there is only one thing I can do, what change would most improve Our Awesome Planet ? (Be brutally honest so that I can improve it...)

Question Title

* 5. Can you give me a testimonial on how Our Awesome Planet was able to help you Live an Awesome Life? (Please indicate your name and email address or how you can to be credited. I plan to include it in the Our Awesome Planet Food and Travel Guide Book.)