2020 Standard 5.20 and Family Code Section 3200.5 Training (August; Sacramento)

The training is sponsored by CASVSP, in collaboration with the Judicial Council of California, Operations and Programs Division, Center for Families, Children & the Courts, Access to Visitation Grant Program. The training is scheduled for November 16-18, 2020, at the Lamoreaux Justice Center, 341 The City Drive, S., Orange, CA. 92868. The training is scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., each day.

The registration fee for the training is $200. Please pay for the registration fee at www.casvsp.org. Please note that completion of the Survey Monkey registration and payment is required in order for registration process to be complete. Confirmation of attendance will be sent by email within (2) two-weeks before the date of the training. 
Questions: Contact Shelly La Botte, Access to Visitation Grant Program Coordinator, at shelly.labotte@jud.ca.gov, or 916-643-7065.

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* 1. Registration. Please fill in your contact information:

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* 2. Do you work in a supervised visitation agency?

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* 3. Are you a professional provider working as:

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* 4. Are you a professional provider? (Under Standard 5.20, a professional provider is defined as someone being paid for providing supervised visitation services, or an independent contractor, employee, intern, or volunteer operating independently through a supervised visitation center or agency.)

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* 5. Please check the type of services you provide: