In response to quality of life concerns among local businesses and residents in North Williamsburg -- or “the Northside" -- a Steering Committee of neighborhood stakeholders has formed to explore the concept of a Business Improvement District (BID) in the area. BIDs, in general, support local businesses and often subsidize the maintenance of our commercial corridors, parks, and open spaces.

This survey aims to inform the committee's exploration of a BID. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions and share your priority areas of need and concern. For more information about this effort, see HERE. (Note: for the purposes of this survey, “the Northside” is defined as Grand street to North 15th/ McCarren Park, and the waterfront to Roebling street.)

Question Title

* 1. What is your relationship to the area? (check all that apply). Please answer all following questions based on this selection.

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* 2. Which commercial corridors on the Northside do you most frequent? Please rank, with most frequented at the top, and least frequented at the bottom (use the four lines to the left to drag the items up and down)

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* 3. Please write any other Northside commercial corridors you frequent 

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* 4. Which public spaces on the Northside do you most frequent? Please rank, with most frequented at the top, and least frequented at the bottom. (use the four lines to the left to drag the items up and down)

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* 5. Please write any other Northside public spaces you frequent that were not listed in question 4.

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* 6. How do you access the Northside commercial corridors? Check all that apply

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* 7. How often do you purchase goods or services on the Northside?

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* 8. How often do you go out to a restaurant, bar, or club on the Northside?

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* 9. How often do you use parks and public spaces on the Northside?

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* 10. What kind of activities do you engage in at parks and public spaces on the Northside (aka McCarren, Bushwick Inlet, Berry Open Streets, waterfront esplanades, Brooklyn Greenway)? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 11. Cleanliness and Conditions: Rate on a scale of 1-5 the neighborhood's current and/or future need for the services listed below. A rating of 1 indicates the service is not needed, while a rating of 5 indicates the service is very needed.

  1 2 4 5
Sidewalk sweeping 
Street cleaning
Repaving/ surfacing 
Graffiti/ sticker removal 
Power washing sidewalks 
More trash cans 
More frequent trash can pickup 

Question Title

* 12. Public Safety and Quality of Life: Rate on a scale of 1-5 the neighborhood's current and/or future need for the services listed below. A rating of 1 indicates the service is not needed, while a rating of 5 indicates the service is very needed.

  1 2 3 4 5
Better street lighting 
Daytime security 
Nighttime security 
Directional signage 
Safe access for pedestrians and bikers 
Safe access for drivers 
Increased street parking 

Question Title

* 13. Marketing, Events, and Culture: Rate on a scale of 1-5 the neighborhood's current and/or future need for the services listed below. A rating of 1 indicates the service is not needed, while a rating of 5 indicates the service is very needed

  1 2 3 4 5
Signage and banners promoting the neighborhood/ commercial district
Events and festivals 
Farmers and artist markets 
Public art 
Holiday decor 
Educational and family focused programming
Marketing initiatives highlighting local businesses

Question Title

* 14. Business and Retail: Rate on a scale of 1-5 the neighborhood's current and/or future need for the services listed below. A rating of 1 indicates the service is not needed, while a rating of 5 indicates the service is very needed.

  1 2 3 4 5
Technical assistance for business owners 
Marketing support/ customer attraction for business owners
Business attraction 
Business retention 
Improved storefront facades 
Emergency planning for businesses
Liaison with elected officials
Improved interagency coordination

Question Title

* 15. Parks, Greenery, and Open Space: Rate on a scale of 1-5 the neighborhood's current and/or future need for the services listed below. A rating of 1 indicates the service is not needed, while a rating of 5 indicates the service is very needed.

  1 2 3 4 5
More access to parks and open space 
Maintenance of parks and open space 
Street tree maintenance 
Installation of planters 
Installation of public gardens 
Installation of "green" resiliency infrastructure

Question Title

* 16. Rate on a scale of 1-5 your quality of life concerns, with 1 being "not at all concerned", and 5 being "very concerned".

  1 2 3 4 5
Lack of access to public space 
Lack of green space maintenance 
Sanitation (trash pick up, cans, and street/ sidewalk sweeping) 
Bike safety 
Flooding/ stormwater management 
Loitering/ panhandling 
Unlicensed street vending 
Loss of neighborhood identity 
Construction impacts (noise, violations, timelines) 
Excessive noise/ loud music 
Traffic congestion 
Lack of accessibility for seniors/ disabled 
Pedestrian safety 
Lack of parking 

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* 17. Please list any additional quality of life concerns below 

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* 18. What changes do you suggest that might make the Northside more of a destination for visitors and/or shoppers?

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* 19. What kind of businesses would you like to see on the Northside?

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* 20. What are the most pressing needs of the Northside's commercial corridors? 

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* 21. What are the most pressing needs of the Northside's open spaces and green spaces? 

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* 22. For business owners: what are the biggest challenges facing your business?

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* 23. Please expand upon any need(s) that deserves further explanation, or list additional issues not covered above.