Thank you for trying Nicofi. Please complete this questionnaire only if you are finished taking the tablets. By "finished" we mean you have either completed the whole pack or you have only taken a portion of the pack and prefer not to take any more.

Question Title

* 1. How much do you currently smoke?

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* 2. Were you easily able to access the tablet from the blister packaging?

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* 3. Did any tablets crack or break apart when removing from the blister packaging?

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* 4. The Nicofi package is about the size of a cigarette pack. What is your opinion of the pack size?

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* 5. Under what circumstance(s) did you take Nicofi? (Please select all that apply.)

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* 6. How much of the Nicofi package did you finish?

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* 7. How long did it take you to finish the package?

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* 8. Did the product satisfy your nicotine craving?

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* 9. Did it satisfy your nicotine craving quickly enough?

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* 10. About how long did Nicofi’s nicotine satisfy you for?

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* 11. Would you say that Nicofi satisfied you enough that you didn’t have the craving for a cigarette?

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* 12. How would you rate the rush of Nicofi’s nicotine?

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* 13. If you would like Nicofi in different strengths which do you think you would prefer? (Select all that apply)

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* 14. Was the rush of Nicofi’s nicotine similar to that of a cigarette?

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* 15. Did you experience a burning and/or heat-like sensation in your throat and did you like it?

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* 16. How would you rate the mint flavor?

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* 17. How likely are you to purchase Nicofi?

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* 18. What other nicotine products have you tried and how did they compare to Nicofi?

  Never Tried I prefer it over Nicofi Tried and I like them equally Tried and I prefer Nicofi
Nicotine Gum
Nicotine Lozenge

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* 19. Would you recommend Nicofi to a friend or family member who smokes or is trying to quit?

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* 20. Your feedback is valuable, please share any other thoughts, comments, or suggestions about Nicofi.