Newham Personalised Care Survey

Please submit your responses by Friday 31st January.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey. Your feedback will help us understand the impact of the Reflective Practice Sessions and the Newham Personalised Care Community of Practice meetings.

We value your honest responses, as they will guide future improvements.
1.How often do you attend the Reflective Practice sessions?
2.How often do you attend the Newham Personalised Care Community of Practice meetings?
3.Are there any barriers that prevent you from attending the Reflective Practice Sessions? (Please select all that apply)
4.Are there any barriers that prevent you from attending the Newham Personalised Care Community of Practice meetings? (Please select all that apply)
5.4.To what extent have the Reflective Practice sessions contributed to your job satisfaction by providing a space to discuss difficult cases, share best practices, and learn from your peers?
6.To what extent have the Newham Personalised Care Community of Practice meetings contributed to your job satisfaction, whereby you are updated on new services and training opportunities and networking with other personalised care roles?
7.Please rate the statement below. These meetings have contributed to your decision to stay in your role.
8.What support do you think would help improve work retention?
9.Do you feel isolated within your role?
10.Do you think having more in-person meetings for the Newham Personalised Care Community of Practice would enhance networking and help reduce feelings of isolation?