Question Title

* 1. I am 25% through the first draft of the next Wyoming Rebels book! My cover artist is designing the cover on Thursday, and I haven't decided on a title! Which do you like best?

Book Summary: When a mission goes wrong, putting his sassy across-the-hall neighbor in danger, CIA Agent Logan Stockton brings her home to Rogue Valley to get her off the grid so he can protect her. The arrangement is business-only, but when his match-making family gets involved, the stakes get much higher in hurry.

Which title is your favorite?  Vote for up to three!

PS You can add this book to your Goodreads "Want to Read" shelf and be automatically notified when it comes out by clicking here and then select "want to read" on the green bar!

Question Title

* 2. OPTIONAL:  YOU ARE AWESOME! Thank you so much for your feedback! To be added to my newsletter or update your info, please include your name and email address below.

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* 3. Any other comments? Let me know what you think! Thank you again!