New Media and Politics Survey

Question Title

* 1. You are invited to take in an online survey about American media and politics. The study is being conducted by Dr. Diana Owen, Professor of political science and colleagues at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

The survey is designed to provide us with information about your use of media for politics. You will be one of approximately 1,200 respondents.  Your answers to the survey are important to us, and we value your opinion. Your participation in this study is voluntary, and you may exit the survey at any time without penalty. The data will be kept entirely confidential.  Your answers will be stored safely in a password protected facility that is accessible only to Dr. Owen and the research team.  The results of the survey will be reported in the aggregate, so it will be impossible to identify any individual's responses.   

Please indicate your agreement to participate in the study by checking the box below. If you have any questions or comments about the survey, please feel free to contact Dr. Owen or the Georgetown University Institutional Review Board. Thank you for your participation!

Dr. Diana M. Owen
Georgetown University
3520 Prospect Street, NW
Washington, DC 20057
(202) 687-7194

Georgetown University Institutional Review Board
(202) 687-0100