Thanks for taking this survey, which takes less than 10 minutes to complete! To find out more about SNPA, visit its website and its facebook page: seyparksauthority

Question Title

* 1. What kind of services do you offer to tourists? (Tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. From which island(s) do you operate activities to national parks?

Question Title

* 3. How often do your guests use the following sources of information to help them decide which day trips or national parks to visit during their holiday?

  Very Often Somewhat Often Not Very Often Never
National Parks Authority website
National Parks Authority Facebook page
Recommendations from other websites
Recommendations from guidebooks
Recommendations from their hotels
Recommendations from their travel agent
Recommendations from a tour guide/taxi operator
On the spot decision (on the beach, etc)

Question Title

* 4. How important are the following sources of information to help influence your guests' decision to visit the National Parks?

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Not Important At All
National Parks Authority Website
Facebook/Instagram feeds
Online guidebooks and maps
Information upon arrival at the airport (how to get there, etc)
Information provided by tour operators and hotels
Information from public signboards
International Media (TV, radio, magazines in their home country)

Question Title

* 5. How important are the following types of information for your guests to receive?

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Not Important At All
Locations of National Parks, how to get there, facility information...
Unique features of each National Park
Rules, entrance prices and where to buy tickets
Contact information
Conservation efforts and projects
Safety information
Recommendations of tour guides

Question Title

* 6. How important is it for you, as a tourism operator, to receive information about the following?

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Not Important At All
Changes to fees, penalties, activities allowed in National Parks
Procedures for making payments and complaints
Invitations to meetings
Feedback from public meetings, findings of studies
Ongoing or completed conservation activities
Incidences of poaching or other illegal activities
Alerts of environmental threats
Changes or updates to trails

Question Title

* 7. What are the most useful means of communicating information to you about the National Parks?

  Very Useful Somewhat Useful Not Very Useful Not Useful At All
National Parks Authority Website
Public meetings during the week
Public meetings held on a weekend
National Media (TV, radio, newspapers)

Question Title

* 8. How often would you prefer to receive news and information from the National Parks Authority?