Welcome to the EHSYF Summer 2024 Show Selection Survey

It is important to us that we consider feedback from our membership and the community when choosing our next production, so your participation in this survey is appreciated!
On the following page you will be presented with five musicals to choose from. If you are unfamiliar with any of the titles, please read a synopsis or check out some YouTube videos/cast recordings before you make your selection! Links to show information are included within the survey for your convenience! The top three musicals will be presented to the Board for final consideration. 

(Note: The Board reserves the right to make the final selection, including a show that does not appear on the following list, if necessary.)
Thank you for your participation in our show selection process! We value your opinion!
This survey will be closed at 8pm on Saturday, October 21st, so make sure you get your vote in on time!