Time to vote!

Please select either the candidates listed or write in a candidate of your choice. Voting will close at midnight on Thursday, September 27.

Question Title

* President:
Jessica Washburn
I have served on the Student Association for a year and a half.  I believe that the students in Brunswick deserve all the "little things" that we have provided in the past and I want to keep that going to foster the feeling of community within the school.

Question Title

* Vice President:
Kim Snider
I have been an active member of the Student Association as the Communications Officer and would like to continue as a member of the SA in the role of VP.

Question Title

* Secretary:
Autumn Thoits
I enjoy taking notes in class, am very organized and get the job done on time.  I also enjoy meeting new people.

Question Title

* Activities Chair:
Whitney Kilton
I would love to help improve student moral here at the school.  I have been on a board in the past and have experience organizing events and fundraising. I feel we need more school events for our students.