The Faith Community Nurse’s Response to Inclusion and Cultural Sensitivity

1.As a Faith Community Nurse, how would you define inclusion?
2.As a Faith Community Nurse, which of the following best describes cultural competence?
3.In your opinion, why is cultural competence important today?
4.How can a Faith Community Nurse promote inclusion and cultural sensitivity in a faith community?
5.Cultural Competence: Faith Community Nurses, as healthcare providers, should strive to develop cultural competence by understanding and respecting the values, beliefs, and practices of different cultures. This includes being aware of one's own biases and actively seeking knowledge about diverse cultures.
6.Language Access: The Faith Community Nurse should advocate for individuals to have language access services, such as professional interpreters or translated materials when visiting health care providers, because it is essential to ensure effective communication and understanding.
7.Health Literacy: The Faith Community Nurse should communicate in a clear and understandable manner, using plain language and avoiding medical jargon. This helps individuals of different backgrounds comprehend health information and actively participate in their care.
8.Inclusive Facilities: The Faith Community Nurse should advocate that the faith community be physically accessible to individuals with disabilities, ensuring ramps, elevators, and other necessary accommodations are in place.
9.Culturally Sensitive Care Plans: The Faith Community Nurse should develop care plans that consider a patient's cultural context, including their family dynamics, social support systems, and cultural practices. This ensures care is tailored to individual needs and respects cultural preferences.
10.Addressing Health Disparities: The Faith Community Nurse should actively work towards eliminating health disparities by identifying and addressing systemic barriers that disproportionately affect marginalized communities and individuals. This may involve collaborating with community organizations and advocating for policy changes.