Please give us your feedback on the new MCT Trails wayfinding signage at Mont Junction.

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* 1. How often do you visit the MCT Trails?

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* 2. How close do you live to an MCT Trail?

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* 3. What is the activity you participate in most when visiting the MCT Trails?

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* 4. Who do you typically use the trails with?

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* 5. Are the wayfinding signs at Mont Junction informative?

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* 6. Did you find the placement of the signs:

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* 7. At Mont Junction, did you think:

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* 8. Is there an appropriate amount of detail on signs?

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* 9. As MCT expands our wayfinding project, how frequently would you like to see signs along the MCT Trails?

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* 10. Overall, I feel _________ about the MCT Trails Wayfinding Project.