Answer the following questions to gauge your knowledge of NYS Vehicle & Traffic laws.

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* 1. A pedestrian is any person afoot or in a wheelchair.

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* 2. Pedestrians should walk with the flow of traffic if there is no sidewalk provided.

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* 3. It’s legal for a pedestrian to walk along a roadway adjacent to sidewalks that may be safely used.

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* 4. Crosswalks can be marked or unmarked.

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* 5. Pedestrians always have the right of way.

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* 6. Motorists have the right of way when a pedestrian is crossing the road outside of a crosswalk.

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* 7. The driver of a vehicle emerging from or entering an alleyway, building, private road, or driveway shall yield the right of way to any pedestrian approaching on any sidewalks extending across said alleyway, building entrance, road, or driveway.

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* 8. Cyclists should ride against the flow of traffic.

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* 9. If a vehicle is stopped at a crosswalk to permit a pedestrian to cross the street, other vehicles approaching from the rear shall not pass said stopped vehicle.

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* 10. It’s illegal for a pedestrian to suddenly leave a curb or place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impractical for the driver to yield.