Welcome to our quiz!

You are about to take a quiz designed to help you measure the progress in understanding the theoretical and practical aspects software test automation as discussed during the webinar called: Scenarios, or Why Some Automation Projects Fail
This webinar is the 6th webinar in the Inflectra-run webinar series called: Test Automation, Demystified. This introductory seven (7) part webinar series is intended as a foundation helping participants bridge the gap between manual testing and test automation. The overarching goal of this Level 1 Test Automation Certificate webinar series is to build the participants’ basic understanding, and a skill set to start using test automation in their work.

Webinar Series Certificate Rules:
At the end of the series, attendees will be eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion. The Certificates will be awarded to those who attended at least four (4) live webinars, listened to the recording of the other three (3) webinars and passed follow-up quizzes with at least 80% of answers, per webinar, deemed correct by the course administrator. Links to quizzes will be e-mailed to participants after each webinar. Participants can submit their answers until September 1, 2019.

Good luck!

Question Title

* 1. Suppose that you need to feed system with test data before execution. What way of getting data you would use:

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* 2. You need to check that application is able to run 50 users. What should you do?

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* 3. What is the most important feature of test script intended to be used in CI:

Question Title

* 5. What automation topics would you like to see covered in the webinar series?

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* 6. Name (First, Last)

Question Title

* 7. Contact Email