Intellectual Freedom means providing free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause, or movement may be explored. Every individual has the right to seek out and receive information from all points of view without restrictions. Privacy is a critical and necessary component of Intellectual Freedom. This award recognizes an individual or group for their contribution to and support of intellectual freedom.

  • The recipient for the NYLA Intellectual Freedom Award shall be selected based on one or more of the following:
    • Each nominee:
      • Shall be an individual, or representative of a group of individuals, or an organization (preferably a NYS resident or organization) who supports Intellectual Freedom and Individual Privacy Rights.
      • Should be engaged in activities affecting information access in the State of New York and/or nationally.
      • Works towards furthering the cause of intellectual freedom in the state and/or nationally.
      • Should strive to promote/protect patron privacy with the purpose of supporting Intellectual Freedom endeavors.
  • No one who is currently on the Intellectual Freedom Committee can be a nominee for this award

  • Developed an innovative information program on intellectual freedom and privacy principles. (CE)
  • Upheld intellectual freedom and privacy principles in the face of a challenge.
  • Contributed to the literature of the field (print or non-print).
  • Active in establishing and or continuing a coalition relating to intellectual freedom and privacy principles at a local, state, or national level.
  • Active in participating on committees, roundtables and other actions working toward the spirit of intellectual freedom and privacy principles.
The recipient will receive an engraved plaque which will be presented at the NYLA Annual Conference and Trade Show.

Recipient will be acknowledged on NYLA's website, at the Annual Conference, and in the NYLA Voice.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Details

Please describe in detail why you feel the nominee should receive the award:
• Shall be an individual, or representative of a group of individuals, or an organization (preferably a NYS resident or organization) who supports Intellectual Freedom and Individual Privacy Rights.
• Should be engaged in activities affecting information access in the State of New York and/or nationally.
• Works towards furthering the cause of intellectual freedom in the state and/or nationally.
• Should strive to promote/protect patron privacy with the purpose of supporting Intellectual Freedom endeavors.

Question Title

* 2. In brief, why are you nominating this person for the above award?

Question Title

* 3. Are there others who could speak to the nominee's qualifications?  If so, please list them here.  We won't contact them before getting in touch with you.

Question Title

* 4. Submitted by