1. Introduction

The referred questionnaire aims to evaluate the relevance of the variables related to sustainability and sustainable development, and its influence on the effective integration of sustainability to project management.

This work is part of a research to develop a doctoral thesis and its result aims to broaden scientific knowledge about the topic and support companies and project managers to make the projects and their management more sustainable. For the conclusion of this project your collaboration in completing this questionnaire is essential.

We count on your participation as it is very important to collect as much data as possible so that the result has statistical validity.

The questionnaire is structured in 9 steps:
a) Step 1 - respondent profile;
b) Steps 2 to 9 - 53 affirmatives with objective responses

We emphasize that there's no identification of the respondent to maintain confidentiality.

Thank you!
Roberto Farias de Toledo
PhD student in Sustainable Management Systems
Federal Fluminense University – UFF/RJ
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8% of survey complete.