Grant Writing Center Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Maryland Nonprofits Grant Writing Center.

We are so happy you are here!

Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions so that we may know how best to serve you. 
1.What is your organization's name?
2.What is your name (First and Last)?
3.What is your job title at the organization?
4.What is the best phone number to reach you?
5.What is your email address?
6.Which grant writing services are you interested in? (please refer to the description of these in the original email if you need further assistance)
7.What is your organization's previous experience with grant writing? 

(We are looking to understand how often you write grants and your approval rate from those grants that you have written)
8.What has been your organization's biggest struggle with grant writing?
9.What expectations or questions do you have about our grant writing services and how will participating in this program be helpful to your organization? 
Thank you for submitting this interest form! The next step is for you to schedule a 20 minute intake appointment with Tyryn Goodson-Seck.

Below is the link to his calendar:

For additional questions, please call our main number at 410-727-6367.