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The Friends of Herring Run Parks (FHRP), established in 2007, is a nonprofit community-based organization dedicated to preserving, improving and engaging the community with the Herring Run Parks in Northeast Baltimore City. FHRP is not a Baltimore City agency but a nonprofit group of community members organized to improve the park and the communities surrounding it. Currently, there is one part-time paid staff person and many volunteers.
FHRP is currently in a strategic planning process to determine the focus areas of FHRP for the next 3-5 years. This helps the organization decide what programs to host, how to advocate, what funds to attract and what staffing model is needed to accomplish this. This process cannot be done without community input as FHRP are community stewards.
To learn more about FHRP and the park, visit our website: 

FHRP currently brings awareness and improvement to the park through:
●        Recreational programs (ex: organized hikes, bird walks, yoga)
●        Environmental restoration programs (ex: tree plantings and clean-ups)
●        Education
●        Advocacy for the park and communities near it (ex: trash concerns, addressing issues in Lower Herring Run)

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* 1. How are you connected with Friends of Herring Run Parks? Select the up to 2 categories that define your affiliation.

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* 2. How long have you been connected with the Friends of Herring Run Parks?

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* 3. Select which neighborhood where you reside, operate a business, serve the community, or provide public services:

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* 4. Please select your age range.

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* 5. What activities do you do most often in the park? Choose the top 3.

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* 6. Friends of Herring Run is helping to preserve the park.

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* 7. Friends of Herring Run Parks is helping to engage the community in the park.

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* 8. Which of the core programs/service areas that the Friends of Herring Run Parks offers are the most important to you? Rank the core areas below in priority order (1-8).

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* 9. Are there any additional core programs/service areas that you would like to see Friends of Herring Run Parks offer?

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* 10. Which of the following words would you use to describe the Friends of Herring Run Parks and its core programs/service areas? Select all that apply.

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* 11. What do you think the focus area(s) for Friends of Herring Run Parks should be over the next 3-5 years?

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* 12. How would you rate the condition of the park?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Bad Don't Know
Lighting in Parking areas
Parking areas
Sports Equipment
Sports fields
Play ground equipment
Water/stream conditions
Lighting on paths
Trees & Shrubs
Grass/Lawn areas
Walking paths
Park Entrance

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* 13. What would you like to see more of in the park? Choose your top 5.

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* 14. Please share any other comments or suggestions for Friends of Herring Run Parks as we plan ahead for the next 3-5 years. We are open to any suggestions about growth, innovation, engagement, partnerships and more.

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