Your views are important to us.
To inform the Marlborough Sounds Future Access Study business case, Council wants to hear the views of Marlborough residents, ratepayers and businesses, and visitors to the Sounds; those with or without a direct interest in the Sounds.
Over the last eight months, the study’s project team at Stantec has analysed a range of data, including community feedback, to provide transport solutions to overcoming the long-term access issues in the Sounds.  
Following this intensive work, an emerging preferred option and alternative hazard adaptation pathway are being put forward for each of the five storm-damaged areas of the Sounds. 
No decision has been made on these options or pathways. We are asking for your views on these and all the other options that were considered by the project team.

If you are directly impacted by access issues in and out of the Sounds please tell us in this survey how the options might affect you. We also want to know everyone’s views on the rates impacts of the future access solutions.

Your feedback is important, as the business case is finalised with recommendations on the future of the Sounds’ transport network and funding is sought from central Government.  
When completing this survey you may find it helpful to reference the information in:
-        The 'engagement booklet'
-        Videos explaining the emerging preferred options and hazard adaptation pathways
-        The 'other options' booklet
-        Additional project background documents
These can all be found on the project website here.
As well as printable online versions of this information, you can pick up hard copies at the public drop-in sessions being held around the region, at the Council offices and libraries or at the Havelock Charity Shop, 64 Main Road, Havelock. 
Please note that the information you provide us in this survey will be anonymous. Thank you for your time.