Service Users: ACT Office Closure Survey 

Since June of 2023, ACT has been closing its office to the public one day a week:  in the summer we closed on Fridays, and as of September we are now closing on Mondays.  The reasons for closing on these days was because we were not seeing many people physically coming into the office.  We want to hear from you about whether or not this has created challenges for you, as well as your preferences (if any) for a day in which the office isn’t open.

Deadline the complete the survey: November 30th, 2023

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* 1. How do you feel about our current work structure at ACT (i.e., offering virtual services as opposed to in-person services on Mondays)?

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* 2. Do you prefer for the agency to be closed on Mondays or Fridays? Why?

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* 3. Will you still be able to access services at ACT given the offices are open 4 days a week? Why?

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* 4. Are you confident that ACT will support your needs given the offices are open 4 days a week? Why?

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* 5. Is there anything else you would like to comment about regarding ACT offices only being open 4 days a week?