Thames-Coromandel District Council is committed to providing high quality building control services to meet its customers’ needs and expectations based on professionalism, technical competence, timeliness and accountability by complying with the Building Consent Authority accreditation requirements, the Building Act 2004 and the Building Regulations.

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* 1. What was your reason for contact with us?

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* 2. Are you the:

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* 3. From your experience with Building Services, how would you rate TCDC for the following

  Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor
Introduction (Welcoming)
Listening Skills
Questioning skills
Ability to answer your query
Willingness to help

Question Title

* 4. From your experience with Building Services, how would you rate TCDC for the following:

  Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Very poor
Timeliness of processing a building consent
Timeliness of inspection bookings

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* 5. What would you consider a reasonable timeframe when booking a building inspection, for a building inspector to then be on site?

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* 6. From your experience with TCDC's Building Service, how do you rate the level of communication in terms of professionalism?

  Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor

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* 7. How could communication be improved between TCDC and its customers?

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* 8. From your experience with Building Services, how would you rate TCDC for the following:

  Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor
Technical skill or competency of the officers
Consistent application of the building code requirements

Question Title

* 9. TCDC provides information about building services, covering the processes involved in obtaining building consents, inspections, technical and legislative updates. This information is provided on Council’s website, BuildWaikato website, in hard copy when asked, duty officer and stakeholder group meetings.

What type of information have you used recently?

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* 10. How would you rate the information that you have used or received recently?

  Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor

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* 11. What do you consider the most convenient method for receiving updates or changes affecting you or your business?

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* 12. Overall, how would you rate this contact with us?

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* 13. Based on your answer to question 12, can you tell us why you chose that answer?

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* 14. Would you like us to contact you about your feedback?

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* 15. If you answered yes to question 14, please fill in the details below.