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Thank you so much for doing our survey. Knowing about you, your needs and ideas is valuable to us.

Who we are:
Arts OutWest is the regional arts development organisation (RADO) for the NSW Central West. We are one of 14 networked RADOs across NSW, all members of Regional Arts NSW.

We receive core funding from the NSW Government through Create NSW, from our 11 member local councils and from the Australian Government through the Aboriginal Visual Arts Industry Support program. We seek out other funding for specific activities.

Our mission is: to promote, educate, advocate and facilitate for arts and cultural development for the communities of Central West NSW. 

Why we’re surveying you:
Arts OutWest works to a strategic plan. We are currently developing the plan for the next five years (2020-2024). This plan is part of our funding agreements with the NSW and Australian governments. It also helps us to focus our resources and provide the best services we can for the region.

In this survey, rather than lots of 'tick the box' questions we wanted to dig a littler deeper - we want your specific feedback and ideas. This survey is anonymous. 

Who we want to hear from:
-   Anyone living in the NSW Central West
-   Arts people
-   Non-arts people whose work or lives intersect with the arts

What we hope to learn:
-   What your needs are     
-   Specific needs or issues in the region
-   What you value about our work
-   Where to focus our future program

What does ‘arts’ mean?
We mean both arts and culture. We include:
-   All art forms (music, performance, visual arts, film and screen, design,  crafts, literature, circus, artisans…)
-   Heritage (including Aboriginal cultural experiences)
-   The creative industries (including creative business across design, media, film and TV, advertising, architecture, digital game design, fashion and textiles, publishing, music industry, cultural tourism…)
-   Community and cultural development using the arts


If you have any questions or would like to contribute further feedback please call Tracey Callinan, executive director on 02 6338 4657 or email

Community consultations in person
We'll also be running some face-to-face community forums over the next couple of months. We'll let you know when and where soon (subscribe to our enews via

Question Title

* 1. Which statements best describe your involvement in the arts?  (tick all that apply)

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* 2. Which local government area do you live in:

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* 3. Thinking about your local government area: Is there any aspect of arts and cultural development that you feel needs specific focus?

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* 4. In terms of your arts work or participation, in which areas do you need assistance?
We've left room here for you to tell us more in a few words (or simply write 'yes' next to the things you might need assistance with).

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* 5. In addition to our core work, Arts OutWest's three strategic areas of work 2020-2024 are likely to be Aboriginal Arts, Arts and Health and Cultural Tourism
What would you like to happen in these fields, in your part of the region?

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* 6. What does Arts OutWest do best?

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* 7. What could Arts OutWest do better?

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* 8. How do you typically get information about arts events, news or opportunities? (tick all that apply)

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