NUI Galway SU October Survey

1.Do you think NUI Galway was adequately prepared for the 2020-2021 academic year?
2.How confident are you that NUI Galway will have adequate plans in place for Semester 2?
3.What question(s) would you like to be answered on a university Q&A?
4.Based on your experience with registration, would you to recommend NUI Galway to a friend or relative?
5.Are you going to leave Galway after the announcement that teaching will be online for the rest of the semester?
6.If you are renting from a private accommodation provider e.g. a landlord or purpose-built student accommodation, are you trying to get a refund on your remaining time after the announcement of online teaching?
7.Would you attend a webinar by Threshold on renting rights?
8.The library is currently open from 9 am-5 pm Monday to Friday. Would you use the library if it was open for longer i.e. longer on weekdays and open for the weekend?
9.Based on NUI Galway charging the highest fee for a single repeat exam at €295, would you recommend NUI Galway to a friend/relative?
10.Do you feel there are adequate mental health supports in place?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered