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The hours of the Car 40 program need to include the evening and weekends

Please take the time to fill out this quick survey. Your personal experiences could help make a difference in how Kamloops addresses mental health emergencies.

Thank you for your time, 
Elisha Hamilton

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* 1. Have you accessed Car 40 services for yourself or a loved one?

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* 2. Have you attempted to use Car 40 but they were not available?

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* 3. Have you gone to the ER for a mental health related reason for yourself or a loved one?

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* 4. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, which barriers stop you from accessing help at the time?

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* 5. If there was a service that would bring a mental health professional to your home in the evenings to explain options, make assessments in your best interest, or sit and talk with you until you felt better, would you use this service?

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* 6. Have you called 911 for a loved one or client in a mental health emergency after 6pm?

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* 7. If you have called Car 40, how long did it take for them to arrive?

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* 8. If you have called Car 40 and they arrived, how long was the visit?

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* 9. Please take the time to explain what you view as the value of Car 40, or an experience you had with this service:

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* 10. Please take the time to share any personal experiences regarding mental health services in Kamloops:

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