Solar Bylaw Update Survey

Solar Bylaw Update Survey

The Lunenburg Planning Board is currently in the process of reviewing Chapter 250-4.13 of the Code of Lunenburg, this Section is more commonly known as the Solar Bylaw. The Board is reviewing the Solar Bylaw in an effort to ensure that the requirements for the construction of Large Scale Ground Mounted Photovoltaic System (Solar Fields) are clear, consistent and in-line with the purpose and intent of the Bylaw. 

Please take a few moments to answer the following questions regarding requirements within the Bylaw to provide guidance to the Planning Board.
1.Do you support modifying the existing Solar Bylaw to more clearly define the depth and types of plantings required to adequately screen Large Scale Solar Installations from view?
2.If specific language was to be incorporated into the Solar Bylaw regarding standards for vegetative buffer zones, what do you believe is a reasonable depth of the planting area?
3.The existing Solar Bylaw requires a minimum lot size of 20 acres for the construction of a Solar Field, do you support?
4.Should the existing 200 foot setback (distance from any piece of equipment to the property line) for a Solar Field in a Residential Zone?
5.Should Large Scale Solar Installations (anything over 10 kW) be allowed in Residential Zones?
6.If yes, should they be permitted as a Primary Use (the only or main use on a lot) in Residential Zones?
7.Would you prefer Solar Fields to be planted with a collection of plants that create a pollinator habitat that generally remains natural or a grass/clover mix that is regularly mowed?
8.Should the Solar Bylaw limit the size of Solar Fields (footprint of the panels and equipment) to certain acreage?
9.Should the Solar Bylaw limit the amount of clear cutting permitted for a Solar Field?
10.The existing Solar Bylaw limits Small Ground Mounted Solar Systems to 10 kW, do you support
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered