Letter of Support from NSTA Past Present, Dr. Karen L. Ostlund 

Dear PLT enthusiast and educator,

Thank you for your interest in this exciting opportunity to influence Project Learning Tree’s future curriculum offerings. As you know, PLT is a premier education program that uses trees and forests as windows on the world to increase environmental literacy. PLT’s hands-on activities truly make teaching and learning fun for both students and educators. The activities are inquiry-based with an emphasis on STEM, are correlated to NGSS and other science standards, and help develop students’ 21st century skills.

PLT wants to learn more about how to meet the needs of educators like you. During the NSTA National Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, PLT will conduct focus groups with K-8th grade educators. These focus groups will be a unique opportunity to share your expertise. PLT wants your insight into how the PLT curriculum meets your classroom needs and aligns with your instructional priorities. I know that your perspective will be greatly valued.

I want to personally extend my thanks for your commitment to science education through PLT’s focus groups. 


Dr. Karen L. Ostlund
NSTA Past President (2012-2013)
UTeach, College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin

PLT Focus Group Invitation 

If you will be in or around St. Louis this April, and wish to be a part of this conversation, please answer the following 8-question survey. The focus groups will be held throughout the day April 11 and 12 at the Marriott Hotel, 5 minutes walking distance from the convention center. Refreshments will be served and all participants will receive $50 Amazon gift cards as an expression of our gratitude.

Thank you for your time and commitment to Project Learning Tree!

Question Title

* 1. Will you be in or around St. Louis, Missouri during the NSTA National Conference, April 11-12, 2019?

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* 2. Do you currently use PLT curriculum materials with your students?

Question Title

* 3. Do you teach in a school (public or private)?