Updated Safe County Alliance- Owner Survey

Owner/ manager Survey

The Safe County Alliance is a strategy to create a safe environment for dining and entertainment through building supportive relationships among the prevention coalitions, local businesses, the liquor board, law enforcement, and the department of health. By increasing the knowledge of the responsibilities of maintaining a safe environment for work and entertainment, and elevating the standards of practice, businesses will be better able to protect themselves and their patrons from injuries and crimes.
1.What is the name of your business?(Required.)
2.Owner/ manager name (the person completing this form).
3.Email address (the person completing this form)(Required.)
4.How do you see your business as it relates to the community?
5.How do you think the community views your business image?
6.Has your business ever failed an alcohol compliance check?
7.What policies do you have in place to ensure that no underage service or over-service takes place? 
8.How many individuals are trained in responsible beverage service at your business?
9.Do you think being trained in responsible beverage service is an effective measure to making the community safer?
10.Do you think being trained in responsible beverage service makes servers better/ more effective at their jobs?
11.Would you be willing to have your entire staff trained in TIPS for free? 
12.Are you aware of the life-saving medication, Narcan (naloxone)?
13.Does your business keep Narcan (naloxone) in the First Aid kit, in case of emergency?
14.Do you employ security (such as bouncers, law enforcement) during busy evenings or events for general safety?
15.Do you have policies in place to help someone in distress (such as an "angel shot" for a person in an unsafe situation)? 
16.Are you interested in learning more about the Safe Communities Alliance?
17.How many monthly coalition meetings could you (manager or owner) attend this year?
18.Are there any other training components or community efforts that you are looking for in your business?
19.Please let us know about any community/ business meetings where you would like to see coalition representation: