Exit Which song is your favourite? 人気投票! Excited to announce our upcoming crowdfunding campaign for an EP featuring new versions of songs from "Above Heaven Below Heaven" (2004). Tell us your most favourite song. Thank you! ❤️🔥「Above Heaven Below Heaven」 からセルフカバーを含むEPを今年の夏リリース予定。結果に従って収録曲を決めるので、是非、投票してね❤️🔥You can listen to all songs by clicking the title. 楽曲名をクリックすると試聴できます😊 Question Title Which song do you like the best? Sins for the Gods Nature of Mortality On the Way to Eternity Seek the Light Hands of Might Sinners for False Lights Way to the One Don't be Afraid Birthright Song of Delight Done