Arquidiócesis de Nueva York / Archdiocese of New York Submission Form / Planilla para Someter Question Title * 1. Parroquia u Organización / Parish or Organization Bronx: Christ the King Parish Bronx: Holy Cross Parish Bronx: Immaculate Conception Parish Bronx: Our Lady of Mercy Parish Bronx: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Bronx: Our Lady of Refuge Parish Bronx: Our Savior Parish Bronx: Santa Maria Parish Bronx: St. Anthony of Padua Bronx: St. Augustine Our Lady of Victory Parish Bronx: St. Joan of Arc Parish Bronx: St. Luke’s Parish Bronx: St. Martin of Tours Parish Bronx: St. Simon Stock Parish Buchanan: St. Christopher Parish Congers: St. Paul’s Parish Goshen: St. John the Evangelist Harriman: St. Anastasia Parish Middletown: St. Joseph’s Parish Mt Kisco: St. Francis of Assisi Parish New York: Annunciation Parish New York: Ascension Parish New York: Blessed Sacrament Parish New York: Immaculate Conception Parish New York: Incarnation Parish New York: Most Holy Redeemer Parish New York: Old St. Patrick’s Basilica New York: Our Lady of Esperanza New York: Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish New York: Our Lady of Sorrows Parish New York: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish New York: St. Brigid - St. Emeric Parish New York: St. Catherine of Genoa New York: St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Resurrection Chapel New York: St. Elizabeth Parish New York: St. Mary Parish New York: St. Rose of Lima New York: St. Teresa Parish Peekskill: Assumption Parish Piermont: St. John the Baptist Parish Poughkeepsie: St. Mary’s Parish Staten Island: Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish Staten Island: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Staten Island: St. Clement & St. Michael’s Staten Island: St. Joseph’s / Immaculate Conception / St. Mary’s Suffern: Sacred Heart Parish Suffern: Tagaste Monastery Yonkers: St. Peter’s / St. Denis Parish Question Title * 2. Selecciona la Planilla que estas sometiendo / Select the Consultation Form you are submitting Sesión 1 / Session 1 Sesión 2 / Session 2 Sesión 3 / Session 3 Sesión 4 / Session 4 Sesión 5 / Session 5 Next