UUCG is asking everyone in the congregation -- members and friends -- to share your interests and passions in social justice.  This is an important part of our beloved community here at UUCG.  We are asking for you to write a bit about what you care about or how you want to be involved.  

If you have questions, contact Judith Longfield (jlongfie@gmail.com) on the UUCG Board.

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* 1. Your Name and Contact information:

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* 2. What areas of social justice do you feel are most important for UUCG to be involved in?

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* 3. What suggestions do you have for topics and speakers for Sunday services that focus on social justice?

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* 4. Use the space below to write down any ideas or thoughts you have about UUCG social justice events or activities that might be valuable to do. Feel free to mention partners you think we might want to work with!

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* 5. Would you like to be on the UUCG Social Justice Team?

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* 6. If yes or maybe, what roles do you think you might be interested in?