1. Welcome to the 2017 National Infrastructure Scorecard Survey

Dear Respondent
The quantity and adequacy of infrastructure owned by a nation bears direct impact on the social economic and environmental well-being of the people.

It therefore becomes important to have a basis for evaluating/monitoring progress of development of this important national asset in order to guarantee continuous improvement on a sustainable basis.

This survey, sponsored by the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) seeks to provide a scorecard system for measuring and reporting the progress recorded by progressive governments on the development and management of the Nigerian national infrastructure.

As a key stakeholder in this important endeavour, I now have the honour to invite you to participate in this survey in order to give your view and perception on the current state of development of this infrastructure with a view to providing a basis to track the progress and compare current provision with counterpart facilities in other climes.
By way of expressing our thank you for your participation, we will be emailing the final e-copy of the report to you once done.

I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about the survey, by email to nigeriainfrastructuresurvey@nse.org.ng

Yours truly,
Engr. Otis Anyaeji, FNSE, FAEng

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