Cooking For All Survey
I received instruction on (select all that apply).
1. Kitchen & Food Safety
2. Kitchen Equipment
3. Food Waste Tracking
4. Healthy & Sustainable Foods
5. Food Rescue
6. Cost Savings
7. Using Recipes
8. Chef Challenge
Where did you practice the skills you received instruction on?
At Home
At a Loaves & Fishes meal site
At the Loaves & Fishes Commissary Kitchen
Other (please specify)
Please rate your response to the following statement, " I learned something new from the Cooking For All courses"
1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree
Please rate your response to the following statement, "I improved my overall confidence in the kitchen."
1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree
Please rate your response to the following statement, "I gained skills or knowledge that I will use at home."
1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree
Please rate your response to the following statement, "I learned something that will change what I purchase at the store."
1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree
Please rate your response to the following statement, "I will waste less food while cooking at home thanks to the Cooking For All courses"
1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree
By what percentage do you estimate you will reduce your food waste while cooking due to instruction received through the Cooking For All courses?
1% - 10%
11% - 20%
Greater than 20%
Please rate your response to the following statement, "Through the Cooking For All courses, I am more aware of food insecurity as a social issue and how Loaves & Fishes works to address it."
1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree
What was the most valuable skill or information you learned from Loaves & Fishes Cooking For All courses?
How many times have you volunteered with Loaves & Fishes?
One Time
Two Times
Three times
When volunteering with Loaves & Fishes in the future, what instruction do you believe would most help you feel comfortable and knowledgeable in the kitchen?