Cooking For All Survey

1.I received instruction on (select all that apply).
2.Where did you practice the skills you received instruction on?
3.Please rate your response to the following statement,  " I learned something new from the Cooking For All courses"
4.Please rate your response to the following statement, "I improved my overall confidence in the kitchen."
5.Please rate your response to the following statement, "I gained skills or knowledge that I will use at home."
6.Please rate your response to the following statement, "I learned something that will change what I purchase at the store."
7.Please rate your response to the following statement, "I will waste less food while cooking at home thanks to the Cooking For All courses"
8.By what percentage do you estimate you will reduce your food waste while cooking due to instruction received through the Cooking For All courses?
9.Please rate your response to the following statement, "Through the Cooking For All courses, I am more aware of food insecurity as a social issue and how Loaves & Fishes works to address it."
10.What was the most valuable skill or information you learned from Loaves & Fishes Cooking For All courses?
11.How many times have you volunteered with Loaves & Fishes?
12.When volunteering with Loaves & Fishes in the future, what instruction do you believe would most help you feel comfortable and knowledgeable in the kitchen?