Ombudsman Office Anonymous Survey

Welcome to the Ombuds Office 

We seek to always be improving our visitor experiences. Please share your level of satisfaction with the Ombuds services. Your input will help us evaluate the value and effectiveness of our services. 
1.Please rate the following statements:
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
The Ombuds Office provided me an informal, and off -the -record resource.
The Ombuds appeared to remain neutral throughout our consultation.
The Ombuds did all they could to facilitate a fair process for the resolution of my dispute, conflict or complaint.
The Ombuds suggestions were fair and logical. 
I trust the Ombuds to maintain confidentiality. 
The Ombuds responded to my problem in a timely manner. 
I was given relevant information to help me evaluate available  options to address my concerns.
Through my interactions with the Ombuds, I developed skills or learned approaches that might help me resolve future problems.
I would recommend others to the Ombuds office.
2.If the Ombuds office did not exist, what would you have done regarding your situation?
3.What did the Ombuds do really well? 
4.In what ways can the Ombuds improve? 
5.My overall experience with the ombuds
6.Additional comments:
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered