Village of Scottsville 2024 Comprehensive Master Plan Survey |
Part 1: Introduction and Residency Information
The Village of Scottsville is updating its Comprehensive Master Plan. Communities use Master Plans to provide a local-sourced vision of collective goals, objectives, policies and strategies. Our Plan will support decision-making over the next 20 years by the Scottsville Village government, including the Zoning, Planning, Forestry and Historic Boards. The Plan will also be useful in trying to secure grant monies.
Many aspects of the original Plan have changed only a little over the past 20 years. Technology, demographics and economic conditions have shifted noticeably. For the past several months, a group of volunteer residents has been working to update the last version of the Plan from 2004. As a next step, the committee needs to better understand your thoughts about our strengths, challenges, and assets and opportunities. The survey should take you about 15 minutes. Your answers are anonymous. Please complete by December 21st, 2024. The committee thanks you in advance!
(The survey doesn’t need to be completed all at once. If you want to go back to a page or to a previously answered question, use the Prev (Previous) button at the bottom of each section. Using a browser ‘back' button will delete your completed answers).
Many aspects of the original Plan have changed only a little over the past 20 years. Technology, demographics and economic conditions have shifted noticeably. For the past several months, a group of volunteer residents has been working to update the last version of the Plan from 2004. As a next step, the committee needs to better understand your thoughts about our strengths, challenges, and assets and opportunities. The survey should take you about 15 minutes. Your answers are anonymous. Please complete by December 21st, 2024. The committee thanks you in advance!
(The survey doesn’t need to be completed all at once. If you want to go back to a page or to a previously answered question, use the Prev (Previous) button at the bottom of each section. Using a browser ‘back' button will delete your completed answers).