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* 1. Do you approve of the 2022 Watson Run Budget?

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* 2. Do you approve of the changes to the Watson Run Bylaws?

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* 3. Do you approve of changing the amount that is added to our Capital Reserve fund from all resale activities? Currently, when a home is sold, the buyer must pay $500.00.  We are looking to change it to the buyer having to pay six (6) months of dues. The reason is to try to adequately fund our capital reserve fund each year without having to raise dues on current residents. 

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* 4. Do you approve of the board changing the governing documents so any excess monies left in the HOA budget are transferred to the HOA's capital reserve budget, instead of being sent back to homeowners? The reason for this change is to prevent the administrative burden placed on our accounting team if they have to send small amounts of money back to homeowners. This change will also help the board and future boards potentially avoid doing special assessments when actual monies needed to run the HOA exceed the budgeted amounts. 

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* 5. For your responses to count, please write your full name and address in the box below. Only ONE vote per household.