Consent Agreement

Question Title

* 1. The aim of this survey is to explore the possible effects of Parkinson’s disease on bone health. To do this we wish to collect data about you and your overall health, including data related to physical activity, diet, lifestyle and bone health. This information is intended to assess whether there are any factors that might help to explain influences on bone health associated with Parkinson’s disease. Personal details including your name, date of birth and contact details will not be collected so as to provide anonymity to your responses and protect your privacy.

This information will only be used for the purpose of this research project and will not be disclosed to a third party. Your information will be collected via a secure data collection system and stored in electronic format at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. It is anticipated that this research will support a scientist in a research project and result in a journal publication of the findings and may also be conveyed in presentation format. You will not be identifiable in any of these reports of the study findings.

Participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw your consent at any time during the completion of the survey. There are no anticipated risks from taking part in the survey. If you wish to participate but cannot complete the survey yourself there is an option for your carer to complete the survey on your behalf. It is anticipated that the survey will take a minimum of half an hour to complete.