Please give us your feedback on the 2018 California Contractors License Law & Reference Book.

This survey will help CSLB make improvements to the book. This includes removing sections that aren't often used.

So, please let us know the sections that are most important to your work.

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* 1. How would you best describe your role as it involves your use of the law book?

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* 2. How often do you use the California Contractors License Law & Reference Book?

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* 3. What law book format is the most efficient for you to use?

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* 4. Please give us your comments on how we can improve Section I: The California Contractor License.

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* 5. Please give us your comments on how we can improve Section II: Home Improvement

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* 6. Please give us your comments on how we can improve Section III: Business Management.

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* 7. Please give us your comments on how we can improve Section IV: Construction Standards and Safety Regulations?

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* 8. Please give us your comments on how we can improve Section V: The Department of Consumer Affairs.

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* 9. Please give us your comments on how we can improve Section VI: The Contractors State License Board; License Law, Rules and Regulations, and Related Laws.

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* 10. Do you ever use the Additional Resources

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* 11. How helpful is the Index?

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* 12. Please give us your comments on how we can improve the Index, including any specific items we should add.

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* 13. How often do you use the Appendix?

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* 14. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Business and Professions Code materials (Page 582–597)?

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* 15. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: California Constitution materials (Page 583)?

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* 16. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Civil Code materials (Page 598-688)

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* 17. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Code of Civil Procedure materials (Page 689-721)?

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* 18. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Family Code materials (Page 722-731)?

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* 19. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Government Code materials (Page 732-767)?

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* 20. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Health and Safety Code materials (Page 768-798)?

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* 21. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Insurance Code materials (Page 799-801)?

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* 22. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Labor Code materials (Page 802-1006)?

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* 23. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Penal Code materials (Page 1007-1018)?

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* 24. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Public Contract Code materials (Page 1019-1050)?

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* 25. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Public Resources Code materials (Page 1051-1054)?

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* 26. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Public Utilities Code materials (Pages 1055-1062)?

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* 27. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Revenue and Taxation Code materials (Pages 1063-1066)?

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* 28. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Streets and Highways Code (Pages 1067-1075)?

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* 29. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Unemployment Insurance Code materials (Pages 1076-1091)?

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* 30. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Vehicle Code materials (Pages 1092-1096)?

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* 31. In the Appendix section how important is it to have: Water Code materials (Pages 1097-1099)?