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* 1. Which time zone in the U.S. do you currently work?

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* 2. Are you a P.E.?

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* 3. Choose one of the following identifiers which best describes your occupation:

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* 4. How many years of experience do you have?

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* 5. Do you have an advanced degree? Select all that may apply.

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* 6. Which software packages/analysis programs do you rely upon for nonlinear analysis? Select all that may apply.

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* 7. In your opinion, what are the top two barriers of entry for applying/using nonlinear analysis?

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* 8. Please identify the #1 topic for which having additional guidance would be helpful (select only one).

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* 9. Please provide any additional opinions or insight you may have relative to the use of nonlinear analysis used in earthquake engineering (i.e. perceived need, more training, etc.). Chime in on the discussion!

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* 10. Please provide your name, company/affiliation and contact info (email address and phone number) if you'd like to be contacted in the future by the Subcommittee.