Workshop: Introduction to Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia

Please choose the number that best reflects your satisfaction with this workshop.

Question Title

* 1. Workshop: Introduction to Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia

  1-Not at all 2-Minimally 3-Somewhat 4-Definitely
Did the presentation provide you with the important ways to improve your practice?
Was the presentation clearly presented and well-organized?
Was the topic beneficial to your practice?

Question Title

* 2. How effective was this speaker?

  1-Not effective at all 2-Somewhat effective 3-Very effective
Kyle Marshall, MD
Christopher Ciarallo, MD
Alan Bielsky, MD
Glenn Merritt, MD
Olivia Romano, MD
Matthew Fiegel, MD
Jeffrey Gonzales, MD
Christopher Lace, MD

Question Title

* 3. Would you like to see this speaker repeated?

  Yes No
Kyle Marshall, MD
Christopher Ciarallo, MD
Alan Bielsky, MD
Glenn Merritt, MD
Olivia Romano, MD
Matthew Fiegel, MD
Jeffrey Gonzales, MD
Christopher Lace, MD