NNEPC Marijuana Webinar Question Title * 1. Marijuana use among those age 12 and older in the northern New England states is among the highest in the country. True False Question Title * 2. What is the most widely used federally illicit drug in the United States among people 12 and older? Cocaine Methamphetamine Marijuana Heroin Question Title * 3. Which marijuana products cause the most pediatric exposures? Cannabis-infused creams and lotions and dermal patches Edibles and marijuana-infused drinks Marijuana cigarettes Marijuana concentrates and e-juice used in electronic delivery devices (vaporizers) Question Title * 4. Which form of marijuana produces the most delayed onset of effects and longest duration of effects? Bong Edible product (cookie, brownie, candy, etc.) Shatter or budder Rolled joint Question Title * 5. In which field do you primarily work? Law Enforcement Emergency Medical Services School Nurse Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. In which state do you primarily work? Maine New Hampshire Vermont Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. In which county do you primarily work? Question Title * 8. Do you have any comments or suggestions? Done