Thank you for attending!

CKCA is always looking at ways to support its members and help the industry progress.  Your feedback is an integral part of the process.  Please take 5-10 minutes to gives us your comments. Your response is anonymous, but feel free to leave your name and email in a comment box if you would like us to follow up with you directly.

Question Title

* 2. We had a strong turnout for this event. Why did you attend?

Question Title

* 3. What do you think CKCA should do to attract even more participants next year?

Question Title

* 4. Was the timing of the program (start time, end time, length of program) suitable to your needs?

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the value and relevance of the following presentations:

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Did not attend
50 Years Already? Staying ahead of the curve for the next 50 - Lynne Jacob (Thursday afternoon)
Digital Transformation Discussion -Mark Crocker, Pete Fournier, Joerg Brauns, Peter Mate (Thursday afternoon)
Dinner Presentation - Business Relationships - Kevin Tratt, Mark Deltin (Thursday evg)
Richelieu Celebrates 50 years - Richard Lord (Friday morning)
Solutions to HR Challenges at your Fingertips - Jim Deslaurier and Richard Lipman (Friday morning)
Have you renovated your virtual showroom lately? - Neil Persaud (Friday morning)
Everything Finishing - M.L. Campbell - Darrel Young, Lauren West (Friday morning)
Solving the Pricing Puzzle - Will Sampson, Gerald Van Woudenberg (Saturday morning)
Evolving Workplace - Drugs everywhere - Chris Wilkinson (Saturday morning)
Lean - The Conversation Continues - Brad Cairs (Saturday lunch)
Smart Manufacturing - Taking the pain out of data overload - Martin Cloake (Saturday afternoon)
Supplier Presentations - What's New - Various Presenters (Saturday morning/afternoon)
Manufacturer's Roundtable (Saturday afternoon)

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the Plant tours and Social Events

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Did not attend
Timberwood Custom Kitchen Inc. (Friday afternoon)
Oakridge Woodworking (Friday afternoon)
Wine and Distillery Tour - Gretzky (Thursday afternoon)
Reception and Dinner Queen Victoria Place Restaurant (Thursday evening)
Suppliers Showcase & Reception (Saturday evening)
Presidential Dinner (Saturday evening)

Question Title

* 7. What information did you get that you can take back and use in your business?  If you are willing to give us a testimonial, please leave your name and company at the end of your comments.

Question Title

* 8. CKCA would like to keep the conversations going on the topics presented because there is much more information to share. If CKCA were to offer webinars on these topics and other topics, would you participate?

Question Title

* 9. What topics would you like to see CKCA offer through webinars?

Question Title

* 10. Overall, how would you rate the CKCA National Forum event?

Question Title

* 12. Please provide suggestions on future topics and presenters that you would like to hear at future CKCA events. 

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* 13. Do you have a relevant topic that you would like to give a presentation on? If so, please provide topic and your name/email so we can get in touch with you.

Question Title

* 14. Apart from events, what other programs/services would you like CKCA to offer that could help support your business?