Your Feedback for Continuous Improvement

NMSU invites you to tell us about your experience in the position you most recently held or are about to leave. Your professional opinion and feedback are important for the ongoing improvement of NMSU as an employer of choice. The information you share is for data and statistical purposes and to identify areas for improvement. As such, it is not included in your personnel file. Suggestions and concerns may be addressed or shared in the spirit of continuous improvement.

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* 1. What was your employment category?

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* 2. Where did you work and how might we reach you if we have questions?

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* 3. What was your reason for leaving your position or NMSU?

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* 4. Which of the following contributed to your decision to leave your current position or NMSU? (Select all that apply.)

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* 5. How was your supervisor with the following?

  Very good Good Adequate Poor Very poor
Demonstrating knowledge of own job/field
Managing others
Expressing instructions clearly
Developing cooperation
Addressing poor performers/performance
Providing appropriate recognition
Treating others with respect and dignity
Being fair
Administering policies in a consistent manner
Handling complaints or concerns
Valuing input on departmental decisions

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* 6. Would you consider returning to NMSU or recommending NMSU to a friend as a place to work?

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* 7. What actions can NMSU take to build a better workplace?