The CalFlowers Industry & Governmental Relations Committee would like your input to the following three questions to help us prepare for joining other floral organizations at SAF-hosted Congressional Action Days on March 11 and 12, 2019 in Washington, D.C.  This short questionnaire should not take longer than 5 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your sector:

Question Title

* 2. Please rank the importance of these issues to your business and the industry:

  Very important Important Somewhat important Little importance Not important
40-Hour Full Time - Change the Affordable Care Act (ACA) definition of a full-time employee as someone who works 30 hours per week to the traditional definition of 40 hours per week.
Tax Report - Enact business tax relief
Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative (FNRI).  Increase funding for FNRI, a program designed to obtain and guide federal research funding targeted to the needs of the floriculture and nursery industry.
STARS Act. Establish a single definition of a “seasonal” employee under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in determining if a company must comply with the ACA and which employees must be offered health insurance.
Inside and Outside Sales. Make regulations covering salespeople consistent to have all salespeople exempt from overtime rather than have the current situation where inside salespeople are paid hourly and are overtime eligible while outside salespeople are exempt.
Floriculture Crops Summary. Continue funding for the publication of the annual federal report that presents data on annual bedding and garden plants, potted herbaceous perennials, potted flowering plants for indoor and patio use, foliage plants for indoor or patio use, cut flowers, cut cultivated greens, and propagative floriculture materials.
Minimum Wage.  Attempts may be made to increase the federal minimum wage which would not only increase the base wage, but also increase the minimum wage in states that are higher than the federal rate if those rates are tied to the federal rate.
E-Verify. Ensure that E-Verify, an Internet-based employment verification system that would replace Form I-9 to confirm employment eligibility, is not mandated on every business without acceptable immigration reform to secure a reliable workforce.
Waters Of The United States (WOTUS). Reform or repeal WOTUS regulations that broadly expanded the types of waters and lands that are subject to federal permit requirements and puts limits on farming practices and other land-uses.
Immigration Reform. Secure existing workforce and create a legal, organized, efficient, and controlled method for workers to enter the United States.
White House Conference on Small Business. Create a White House Conference on Small Business where small businesses can voice their concerns and suggestions about public policy for consideration by the Administration and Congress.
Biotechnology.  Biotechnology.  Influence federal policies to allow plant breeders to pursue new varieties using modern breeding methods without being subject to unnecessary regulations or permitting requirements.

Question Title

* 3. Of the issues listed above, please rank your top five priorities – 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest. Please choose no more than 5!

Thank you very much for your time and for your thoughts about CalFlowers' priorities over the next year.   Your input on this important survey will help CalFlowers set a strong agenda to promote and grow our industry.