2023 Eastern Oklahoma VA Internship Post-Interview Day Survey

Thank you for your perspective

We appreciate your interest in our program and taking the time to provide us with feedback on our interview day!
1.What are the appealing aspects of this VA Medical Center that encouraged you to apply? (Select all that apply)
2.Overall, how would you rate your interviewing experience?
3.How would you rate the structure of the interview day (i.e., program overview, rotation panels, individual interviews, and meeting with the current interns)?
4.How would you rate the presentation of content during interview day (i.e., program overview, rotation panels, and meeting with the current interns)?
5.During the interview day programming, we discussed the areas of emphasis (Collaborative/therapeutic Assessment, Evidence-based psychotherapies, Diversity/multicultural training, Supervision opportunities/training, Training enhancements) available at our program. Please rate the degree to which our areas of emphasis training opportunities align with your training goals.
6.How would you rate your experience with your two individual interviews?
7.What are the strengths and weaknesses of our interview day? What is your overall sense of this training program?
8.What one or two primary considerations influenced how you ranked our program?
9.Is there anything identifiable that we could change that would have affected your final rank of our program?
10.Finally, did anything occur on interview day that stood out to you that you would like us to know (whether positive or negative)?