Everyday HR Support

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* 1. Is your recruitment process safeguarding you from any risk because each step in the process and the templates used are robust, unbiased and consistently applied in every recruitment opportunity?

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* 2. Are you confident that your recruitment planning meets your future business needs?

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* 3. Have you got a signed contract of employment on file for all your employees, and if you use a ‘conditional offer’ and/or ‘a probationary period’ for new starters, are these managed well?

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* 4. Do you have ‘up to date’ job descriptions for all roles in your business and use this document as a meaningful tool in recruitment, 1:1’s, appraisals, development, consider future business resource needs?

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* 5. Were your employee handbook and/or policies updated within the last 2 years to ensure compliance with the latest legislative and regulatory best practice for employment and are all staff and managers familiar with how procedural practice is applied in your business?

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* 6. Are you only retaining (for audit purposes) the data and information you need to securely store from recruitment and on personnel files, and is it in line with recommended retention periods and the processing of data, to comply with GDPR and the Data Protection Act (2018)?

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* 7. Are you confident you know what your employees’ Statutory rights and entitlements are and that you comply with these in your everyday people management practice?